Interview Follow-Up: Best Practices for Making a Lasting Impression

  • Francis From LightForth
  • August 23, 2024

How did the interview go? You answered the questions, made a connection with the interviewer, and now the waiting game begins. But before you sit back and relax, there’s one more crucial step that can help you stand out: the follow-up.

A well-crafted follow-up isn’t just a polite gesture—it’s your chance to reinforce your candidacy, show your enthusiasm, and keep yourself top of mind as decisions are made. Here’s how to do it effectively:

1. Send a Thank-You Email Within 24 Hours

Timing is everything. Sending a thank-you email within 24 hours shows that you’re prompt and genuinely interested in the role. It doesn’t have to be long or overly formal. A simple message expressing your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterating your excitement about the position will do the trick.

Tip: Mention something specific from the interview—whether it’s a particular discussion point or something you learned about the company. This personal touch makes your message more memorable.

2. Reiterate Your Interest in the Position

While the thank-you email is your chance to show gratitude, it’s also a subtle opportunity to reinforce why you’re the right fit for the role. Briefly remind the interviewer of your key strengths and how they align with the company’s needs. This helps keep your qualifications fresh in their mind.

Tip: Tie your skills directly to the challenges or goals the company is facing, as discussed in the interview. This shows that you were paying attention and are already thinking about how you can contribute.

3. Address Any Unanswered Questions

Sometimes, you leave an interview realizing there was something you didn’t get to mention or a question you didn’t answer as thoroughly as you would have liked. The follow-up is your second chance. Use this opportunity to clarify or expand on any points that might need it.

Tip: Frame it as an addition rather than a correction. For example, “After our conversation, I wanted to share a bit more about my experience with X, which directly relates to the Y project we discussed.”

4. Connect on LinkedIn

If you haven’t already, consider connecting with your interviewer on LinkedIn. This can be a good way to stay connected professionally, regardless of the outcome. When you send the connection request, include a personalized note thanking them again for the interview.

Tip: Keep your note short and professional. Something like, “Thank you again for the great conversation we had during my interview for the [Job Title] position. I’d love to stay connected here on LinkedIn.”

5. Be Patient, but Know When to Follow Up Again

After your initial follow-up, it’s important to be patient. Hiring decisions can take time, and you don’t want to come across as pushy. However, if you haven’t heard back after the timeframe they provided (or after a week or two if no timeframe was given), it’s okay to send a polite follow-up email to inquire about the status of your application.

Tip: Keep it brief and positive. A simple, “I wanted to follow up on my application for the [Job Title] position. I’m still very interested in the opportunity and would love to hear about the next steps,” works well.

6. Stay Positive and Professional, No Matter the Outcome

Regardless of the outcome, always respond graciously. If you’re offered the job, great! If not, thank them for the opportunity and express your interest in future openings. You never know when another opportunity might arise, and leaving a positive impression can open doors later on.

Tip: If you didn’t get the job, consider asking for feedback. It shows that you’re eager to improve and value their perspective, which can leave a lasting positive impression.

Final Thoughts

Following up after an interview might seem like a small step, but it’s one that can make a big difference. It’s your chance to keep the momentum going and to show the company that you’re not just another candidate—you’re the candidate. By being prompt, thoughtful, and professional, you’ll reinforce your interest in the role and leave a lasting impression that could tip the scales in your favor.

Good luck, and remember: every interaction is an opportunity to shine.

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