6 Tools You Must Have To Succeed As A Project Manager

  • Francis From LightForth
  • May 15, 2024

When it comes to succeeding as a project manager, having the right tools in your belt can make or break you. As a project manager, a lot rests on your shoulders with you striving to pull all parts of the project together and steer your team towards success. Sounds overwhelming? Not when you have the right tools! Here are some must-have tools you’ll want to have in your arsenal:


  1. Project Management Software:

   Think of this as your project HQ. It’s like having a virtual office where you can plan, organize, and keep track of everything. Trello, Asana, or Basecamp are your best mates here. They help you juggle tasks, assign duties, and keep everyone on the same page.


  1. Gantt Charts:

   These are your project roadmaps. They lay out who’s doing what and when, so you can see the big picture. Whether you’re using Excel, specialized software, or even drawing one up yourself, Gantt charts keep your project train chugging along smoothly.


  1. Communication Tools:

   Staying in touch with your team is key. Email, Slack, Microsoft Teams – these are your lifelines. They let you chat, share files, and hop on quick video calls to hash things out, no matter where everyone is.


  1. Risk Management Software:

   Every project has its speed bumps. That’s where risk management tools come in handy. They help you spot potential issues before they blow up in your face. Check out tools like RiskyProject or even a trusty spreadsheet to keep those risks in check.


  1. Time Tracking and Resource Management Tools:

   You’ve got to keep tabs on who’s doing what and how long it’s taking. Tools like Harvest or Toggl help you monitor time and resources. That way, you can make sure everyone’s pulling their weight and no one’s burning out.


  1. Document Management Systems:

   Ah, paperwork – every project’s best friend. But keeping it all organized can be a headache. That’s where document management systems swoop in to save the day. Google Drive, SharePoint, or Dropbox keep your files in one tidy place, so everyone’s always on the same page.


With the right tools, you can always stay on top of every project. These tools can help you overcome challenges, reduce risks, and succeed in today’s complex business landscape. So gear up, get organized, and go succeed!

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