10 Tips to Be More Creative from World-Class Designers

  • Francis From LightForth
  • May 23, 2024

Creativity is the ability to build something out of your imagination. While it can come to play in different areas of life, it is particularly vital for designers. Whether you’re working in graphic design, web design, fashion, or any other creative field, the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas can set you apart. Here are ten tips from world-class designers to help you boost your creativity and elevate your work.


  1. Embrace Curiosity


World-renowned designer Paula Scher emphasizes the importance of staying curious. Curiosity drives you to explore new ideas, ask questions, and seek out inspiration in unexpected places. Don’t be afraid to venture into unfamiliar territory—exploring new subjects and experiences can spark creative ideas.


  1. Keep a Sketchbook


Famed designer Stefan Sagmeister recommends keeping a sketchbook. This practice allows you to capture ideas as they come and develop them over time. Sketching can help you visualize concepts and experiment with different design elements without the pressure of perfection.


  1. Collaborate with Others


Collaboration can lead to new perspectives and innovative solutions. Jessica Walsh, known for her bold and playful designs, often collaborates with other artists and designers. Working with others can push you out of your comfort zone and inspire fresh ideas.


  1. Take Breaks


Stepping away from your work can help you come back with a fresh perspective. Designer Michael Bierut suggests taking regular breaks to avoid burnout and maintain creativity. Even short breaks can help clear your mind and make room for new ideas.


  1. Stay Informed


Keeping up with trends and developments in your field is essential. Pentagram partner Natasha Jen stresses the importance of staying informed about what’s happening in the world of design. Reading industry blogs, attending conferences, and following other designers can provide valuable insights and inspiration.


  1. Experiment and Play


Designer David Carson, known for his innovative and unconventional approach, encourages experimentation. Don’t be afraid to play with new techniques, styles, and tools. Experimentation can lead to unexpected and unique results that set your work apart.


  1. Seek Feedback


Constructive criticism can help you refine your ideas and improve your work. Legendary designer Massimo Vignelli valued feedback from peers and clients. Seeking feedback allows you to see your work from different perspectives and make necessary adjustments.


  1. Create a Routine


Establishing a routine can help you cultivate creativity consistently. Designer Louise Fili maintains a daily routine that includes time for brainstorming and creative exploration. A routine can provide structure while allowing for regular creative practice.


  1. Travel and Experience Different Cultures


Traveling exposes you to new cultures, ideas, and perspectives. Designer Milton Glaser often drew inspiration from his travels. Experiencing different environments can broaden your understanding and inspire creativity in your work.


  1. Reflect on Your Work


Reflection is key to continuous improvement. Designer Ellen Lupton emphasizes the importance of reviewing and reflecting on your work. Taking time to evaluate what worked and what didn’t can help you learn and grow as a creative professional.


Creativity is a skill that can be nurtured and developed with practice and the right mindset. Think of it as your imagination coming to life. Do what you need to get the best out of creativity and keep the juice flowing.

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One response to “ 10 Tips to Be More Creative from World-Class Designers”

  1. Susan says:

    Thanks for sharing this.

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